This vignette contains a detailed walk-through of the
algorithm. It goes through the processing of a
single sequence, step-by-step. All of the discussed parameters for these
individual components can be passed to the denoise
The read_fasta
and read_fastq
allow users to read data into R for denoising. These functions produce
dataframes with columns containing the header data, sequence data and
PHRED quality scores (for fastq only - there is an option to discard the
quality scores if they are not of interest to the user).
fastq_example_file = system.file('extdata/coi_sequel_data_subset.fastq.gz', package = 'debar')
data = read_fastq(fastq_example_file)
## [1] "header_data" "sequence" "quality"
The debar
denoising pipeline is built around the custom
object, which is used to store the input sequence
data and the outputs generated by the denoising process.
Below the varible ‘ex
’ will store a DNAseq
object, with the raw sequence, the name of the sequence (in this case
the read id) and optionally the PHRED quality scores as well.
i = 33 #the row number from the example dataframe to be analyzed in the single sequence demonstration
ex = DNAseq(data$sequence[[i]], name = data$header_data[[i]], phred = data$quality[[i]])
ex #
## A DNAseq object.
## Sample ID: example_read_33
## Raw Sequence:
## attcaaccaatcataaagatattgg...tgattttttggtcaccctgaagttt
The raw sequence, phred score and name can then be accessed through the dollar sign notation. As data are generated by the denoising process, they can also be accessed using this notation.
## [1] "example_read_33"
#can always check to see the available components with the names function
print("Available in the current DNAseq object:")
## [1] "Available in the current DNAseq object:"
## [1] "name" "raw" "phred"
The frame
function is one of the two main workhorses in
the denoising pipeline. It takes the raw data sequence and compares it
against the nucleotide profile hidden Markov model (PHMM), generating
the statistical information (The Viterbi algorithm’s output path) that
is used to apply corrections to the sequence read. Since the PHMM is a
profile of only the 657bp region of COI-5P (and not capable of denoising
surrounding data) it also takes the input sequence and removes any
flanking regions that fall outside of the 657bp COI-5P region. Don’t
worry though, if you wish to keep these parts of your sequence, there is
an option to include the removed flanking sequences in the output (you
may want these if they contain important identifying information,
i.e. tags to relate multiplexed reads back to their sample of origin).
Just be aware that if you do keep the flaking regions, any errors in
these regions will go uncorrected!
By default, the frame
function will compare both the
forward and reverse compliments of an input read to the PHMM and use the
log likelihood values to pick the direction that best matches the COI-5P
profile. If you are confident that all reads being denoised are in the
forward orientation, then you can speed up the frame function by setting
the option: dir_check = FALSE
(in this case
will not generate the reverse compliment, and only
pass the sequence through the PHMM in the forward orientation).
Additionally frame
contains an additional set of options
that can be use to filter out small fragments and potential chimeric
sequences. When the terminate_rejects
option is set to
then the following two checks are run: (1) checks to
see if a sequence contains more than max_inserts
(default =
400) consecutive insert states in the PHMM path (i.e. 400 or more
consecutive bp in the sequence appear to not be part of COI-5P)
(2) checks if the sequence contains less than
(default = 100) consecutive matches to the PHMM.
If either condition is met the sequence will be flagged for rejection
and not framed.
The adjust
function is the component of the denoising
pipeline where identified errors in the sequence are corrected. Using
the PHMM path output and the information about the framing of the
sequence generated by the frame
function, adjust applies
insertion and deletion corrections to the DNA sequence. The series
hidden match, insert and delete states in the PHMM path are assessed and
used to correct the DNA sequence. Certain rules are applied in the
adjustment algorithm to ensure that adjustments are not being applied to
highly erroneous sequences, or sequences with deviations from the
expected COI structure that may be biologically true. First, triple
inserts or triple deletes (3 consecutive nucleotides missing or added)
are not corrected by the adjust algorithm. This is because the insertion
or deletion of a codon would preserve the integrity of the amino acid
sequence (no frame shift). In fact, certain species do possess COI-5P
sequences with full codons missing (i.e. they are 654bp in length);
adjustments of sequences of this kind would be erroneous. Additionally,
if 5 or more consecutive insert or delete states are encountered, the
adjustment is ceased and the sequence is flagged for rejection. Drastic
deviations of this kind are extremely improbable and indicative of a
larger problem with the sequence than simply minor technical errors
(i.e. a contaminant sequence or chimera).
In addition to the DNAseq class object, two other parameters are
accepted by the adjust
function. censor_length
is the parameter used to determine the number of base pairs adjacent to
a correction that should be covered up (turned into placeholder
characters). This parameter exists because the comparison of sequences
to the PHMM via the Viterbi algorithm is not perfect in its
identification of the location of indel errors. Censoring base pairs
adjacent to the correction applied can increase the probability that the
erroneous base pair is remove from a sequence, but comes at the trade
off of a loss of information in the read (this limitation is overcome
when multiple sequence outputs from a given sample are available). The
adjustment corrects the length of the sequence (the erroneous bp is
removed when an insertion is identified and a placeholder character is
added when a deletion is identified) and censorship maximizes the
likelihood of the error being removed. The default
is 7 (i.e. seven bases left or right of an
indel adjustment are turned into placeholder characters). This number is
not arbitrary, but rather was determined through experimental
corrections. In the denoising of a series of 10K barcode sequences each
with a single artificial indel error with known position 61.8% of errors
were corrected exactly. 38.2% of the time, errors were incorrectly
reported by an average of 2.31bp (standard deviation=1.98).
A conservative censorship size of 7 was decided upon by analysis of
the mean miss distance (and standard deviation) in only the incorrect
adjustments. The mean plus two standard deviations (2.3 + (2*1.98) =
6.26) was rounded up, based on the test results this would lead to the
censorship of greater than 95% of errors that were not correctly
identified by the PHMM. This explanation is given to the user to inform
any potential decisions about altering the censorship length. The
default is highly conservative as the summary statistics used to
calculate the length omit the 61.8% of the time that corrections were
applied exactly. The use can make the censorship of reads as
conservative as they wish (censor_length
= 657 would mask a
read showing a single bp deviation from the COI profile) or disable this
feature (censor_length
= 0) and accept all corrections made
by the adjust
The second additional parameter accepted by adjust
. This parameter is only employed if the DNAseq
object possesses PHRED quality
scores. The specified character (default is: *
- a
quality score of 9, which is a low value) is assigned to any placeholder
characters that are inserted into the sequence by the adjustment
algorithm. This is done so that the the relationships between PHRED
scores and their corresponding base pairs are preserved (if a bp is
deleted its PHRED score is removed as well), if downstream analyses or
processing of the data rely on the PHRED scores, this information is
still available.
The algorithm keeps track of the number of adjustments made.
## [1] 0
The PHMM suggests a bp was missing at position 157 in the profile
(the path can be called directly via dollar sign notation
). A placeholder (character is a ‘-’ until the
final outseq
step) is inserted and since
was given the parameter
censor_length = 4
four base pairs in either side of the
correction are also turned into placeholders. Note that since
was left as its default, the inserted bp has a
phred score of *
(as indicated by the labels shown above
the adjusted sequence characters).
## ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
## "c" "t" "t" "c" "t" "t" "t" "a" "t" "a" "g" "t" "t" "a" "t"
Following the framing and adjustment of the sequence,
can be used to translate the adjusted DNA sequence
to amino acids and conduct a check of the amino acid sequence for the
presence of stop codons. The aa_check
function’s search for
stop codons provides a simple double check of the adjust
algorithm’s performance. If stop codons are present then this indicates
that reading frame shifts have not been corrected properly in the
adjustment phase. Sequences of this kind will be flagged for rejection.
This check is not perfect, as any persisting frame shifts late in the
sequence may not be sufficiently disruptive to produce a stop codon.
By default, translation is only performed once as it is assumed that
the frame
function has correctly set the DNA sequences in a
common orientation and reading frame. In some cases this assumption may
be violated (i.e. the algorithm is consistently placing a series of
samples in the incorrect reading frame), when running the
function, setting the triple_translate
option to TRUE
(the default is FALSE
) will
cause the sequence to be translated in all three possible reading
frames. In this case, if any of the three reading frames do not
produce a stop codon then the sequence will be considered to pass the
amino acid check. Setting the triple_translate
argument to
is a tradeoff, sequences that present framing issues
will not be unnecessarily discarded, but the aa_check
also produce more erroneous passes (due to one of the three reading
frames not including a stop codon due to chance alone). Computation time
is also increased, as the translation function is called up to three
times for each sequence.
i = 33 #the row number from the example dataframe to be analyzed in the single sequence demonstration
#here the full pipeline is run usin the denoise function.
trans_ex = denoise(data$sequence[[i]],
name = "example1",
ambig_char = "N",
aa_check = TRUE, #this is the default
triple_translate = TRUE) #this is changed to TRUE, all three reading frames tried,
## [1] FALSE
A few more technical notes of the aa_check
function: 1.
sequences are translated using the
censored translation table described and implemented within
. This is done so that the aa_check
function is not biased against taxonomic groups that employ more
esoteric translation tables. You can override the default behaviour and
pass the
number of the genetic code if it is known for certain (with
parameter) or even override the reading frame
used for translation with the parameter frame_offset
. 2. If
you are familiar with coil
]( you will be aware that it
compares translated sequences against an amino acid PHMM to identify
sequences with errors. This is not done within the present amino acid
check namely in the interest of speed (comparing sequences to the PHMMs
is computationally costly) and because the potentially large number of
placeholder characters in a sequence resulting from the
algorithm would lower the likelihood scores of the
corresponding amino acid sequences (due to a surplus of placeholders)
and lead to a large number of false rejections.
Once the DNA sequence has been framed, adjusted and checked for
evidence of uncorrected errors the output sequence can be generated. The
default ambiguous character used in the output sequence is “N”
(ambig_char = "N"
). This character is substituted into the
output sequence where adjustments and censorship have occurred.
Additionally, there are two styles of output sequences that can be
produced: trimmed and framed sequences or sequences with flanking
information reattached. The default behaviour of outseq
to keep the flanks of sequences (controlled by the parameter
keep_flanks = TRUE
). Any DNA sequence information that was
outside of the framed COI-5P profile region is reattached to the ends of
the sequence to create the output sequence. This is done so that
can be applied in the analysis of raw sequence data
that contains important information outside of the barcode region
required in subsequent analysis steps. For example if the sequence are
tagged with sample specific barcode sequences, this information is
preserved in the output sequence so that post-denoising sequences can be
demultiplexed and assigned to their correct source. Since flanking
regions are excluded by the frame
function, these regions
are not denoised and any errors present in these portions of the
sequence will go uncorrected. Note: the PHRED quality scores
corresponding to the flanking sequence regions are preserved where
applicable. The second option is to set the keep_flanks
option to FALSE
. This will lead to any flanking sequence
being discarded and the output of only the DNA sequence for the COI-5P
profile region. If there are missing bp at the front of the COI-5P
profile region, placeholder characters are added to that all output
sequences are in a common reading frame. If the DNAseq object contains
PHRED scores, the PHRED output string corresponding to the desired DNA
output string will be generated as well.
#option a - reattach the flanking sequence - use this if you wish to preserve sequence tags
ex = outseq(ex)
## [1] 708
## [1] "~z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~~"
#option b - output only the sequence for the COI-5P region
ex = outseq(ex, keep_flanks = FALSE)
ex$outseq #placeholder characters added to the front of the sequence to establish common reading frame when necessary
## [1] 654
Once the denoising of the sequence is completed, its components can be further queried and evaluated in within R, or the sequence can be saved to an output file.
contains functions for outputting sequences in
either fastq or fasta format (write_fastq
respectively). When a sequence is output, the
field of the DNAseq object is used to create the
header line for the sequence and the outseq
field becomes
the sequence written to the file. Both output options have an
option, for which the default is TRUE
the output is appended to an existing file with
the specified name (filename
parameter), if changed to
than an existing file will be overwritten.
# note - the out demonstration markdown cells are set to eval = FALSE so that output files are not generated
# and saved without you reading this message and doing it on purpose. Make sure to check your working directory first!
write_fasta(ex, filename = "out.fa" , append = TRUE) #will append ex's output sequence to out.fa
write_fasta(ex, filename = "out.fa" , append = FALSE) #will overwrite out.fa with the data for ex.
The write_fastq
file contains two additional parameters
relating to the handling of PHRED quality scores. If
is set to TRUE
, then the PHRED
scores contained in the DNAseq object will be used to build the PHRED
line in the fastq record being output. If keep_phred
is set
, or the DNAseq object does not possess PHRED
scores (i.e. it originated from a fasta file) then the PHRED line will
be filled with the specified phred_placeholder
specified by the user (or the default: #
, an extremely low
PHRED score of 2).
write_fastq(ex, filename = "out.fq",) # default - appends output sequence to the file and keeps the objects phred scores
write_fastq(ex, filename = "out.fq" , append = FALSE, keep_phred = FALSE, phred_placeholder = "?") #alternative - overwrites
# file and discards the phred scores, replacing them with the character "?" the correct number of times.
Funding for the development of this software was provided by grants in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from the Government of Canada through Genome Canada and Ontario Genomics and from the Ontario Research Fund. Funders played no role in the study design or preparation of this software.